
Akademia Sant'Anna Messina 2024-25

Messina, Via degli Agrumi

  From Sun 01 Sep '24 to Thu 15 May '25

choose your seats from the map


CURVA / Abbonamento Intero Qty. Tickets  tot. 95.00
90.00 + Presale (5.00)
CURVA / Abbonamento Ridotto Under 17 Qty. Tickets  tot. 60.00
55.00 + Presale (5.00)


TRIBUNA / Abbonamento Intero Qty. Tickets  tot. 150.00
145.00 + Presale (5.00)
TRIBUNA / Abbonamento Ridotto Under 17 Qty. Tickets  tot. 95.00
90.00 + Presale (5.00)

delivery method

0.50 EUR
All prices are inclusive of VAT. From the first screen, clicking on "Commissions" shows the total price you will pay at checkout.

Informazioni prodotto

Questo evento è organizzato da:
SSD Akademia Sant'Anna a rl

Information on the place of the event

PalaRescifina. Via degli Agrumi Messina

Price details

Prices quoted as all market operators

TRIBUNA / Abbonamento Intero 145.00 € 5.00 € 0.00  €
CURVA / Abbonamento Intero 90.00 € 5.00 € 0.00  €
TRIBUNA / Abbonamento Ridotto Under 17 90.00 € 5.00 € 0.00  €
CURVA / Abbonamento Ridotto Under 17 55.00 € 5.00 € 0.00  €

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